World Breaking Discoveries

News Release 13.08.2019

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Proof of
Proof of TIME TRAVEL Found

God, Creation & Jesus - DEBUNKED

Creation Story and Jesus DEBUNKED book coverAtheists Vs Religion - A Scientific Debate

Adelaide, Australia   13 August 2019

Atheists want scientific evidence that Jesus was a real historical person, and proof of Religion's 'supernatural God', from an independent source other than the bible.

Theists want their belief that 'God is a supernatural being who Created the world in six days and then appeared on earth as Jesus' to be considered as a possible scientific hypothesis.

Two Academic Papers from 2017 finally brought the two sides to an equal playing field. They create a scientifically valid discussion using the scientific method of disproving alternate hypotheses.

Those alternate hypotheses included the God of the Bible being an alien (from a possible UFO description in the Book of Ezekiel), and the historical figure Jesus being a time traveller.

Both hypotheses were invalidated, but other astounding findings presented in those academic papers shattered over 3,200 years of religious beliefs regarding the traditional Creation, God, and Jesus Stories.

Employing the Scientific Method of research, Ronald Pegg's earlier Time Travel findings regarding Genesis and the Gospel of Mark were validated.

News Release authorised by World Breaking Discoveries, Adelaide, South Australia, under licence ABN 94229084198 from Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd.

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For the God and Creation Story and Mark's Life of Jesus Story PAPERS, visit their listings on the main menu page.

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