World Breaking Discoveries

News Release 19.04.2019

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Proof of
Proof of TIME TRAVEL Found

Modern Objects in Ancient Texts - DOOPArts

New Term coined - DOOPArt

DOOPArt is an acronym for documented-out-of-place artifact

Adelaide, Australia   19 April 2019

The very foundation of our understanding of the world changed at the end of the 20th century. Queensland researcher Ronald Pegg found and recognised the mid 1990s technology of his time IN THE LAST PLACE YOU WOULD EXPECT.

Hundreds of extensive physical descriptions including measurement ratios and sequential descriptions of the interactive displays were recognised.
MATHEMATICALLY NOT A COINCIDENCE, these were documented in over 30 separately authored ancient texts spanning 5,000 years.

These same descriptions and themes often drawn from a religious bias can also be found in many ancient myths and legends. Those mythologies, ancient texts and religious writings from past cultures all echo each other and almost seem to be recycled stories, because they come from the same type of source event - a time travel encounter.
This is the only conclusion Pegg could reach as, 'Finding modern items and their contents depicted, described and documented in ancient texts is PROOF of TIME TRAVEL'.

Disregarding the preconceived religious bias of the translators and correcting for alterations intended to improve readability into English, we used etymology to uncover the original root meanings of the mistranslated ancient words but WE COULDN'T PROVE PEGG WRONG.

Our cultures have been built on misunderstandings and mistakes but these new discoveries have brought to light the warnings given when the following MID 1990s TECHNOLOGIES WERE TAKEN BACK AND SHOWN TO SPECIFIC PEOPLE...
Composite picture of 486 computer, Ancients cd-rm, and opened plastic jewel case
An early to mid 1990s PC 386/486 Desktop computer system consisting of
  • computer monitor,
  • computer's CPU box,
  • cd-drive tray,
  • mouse & cable (corded, with only two buttons),
  • plastic jewel cases (with and without a black base plate,
  • multimedia compact disks (aka. dvd or cd-roms.)

This early 1800s picture from America shows nine people witnessing a plastic cd-rom jewel case being held above a box...
Smith + witnesses holding the artifact     close up of plastic jewel case being held

In April 2009 South Australian researcher Eddy Pengelly, coined the new term DOOPArt, which specifically describes certain mid 1990s technology that has somehow been seen operating back in the past and has been documented in various ancient texts.

News Release authorised by World Breaking Discoveries, Adelaide, South Australia, under licence ABN 94229084198 from Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd.

    END     # # #

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