Other FINDINGS and REPORTSTopics and Articles include:
Arks in the Bible
Sepher Yetzirah - The Book of O
Egyptian Papyrus -
Horemakhbit &
Christadelphian Bible Prophecy Study - Report
Ronald Pegg named in the Bible by Eddy Pengelly
The Source of The Holy Grail Story - Found
Book Reviews and Article Criticisms include:
Time Storms by Jenny Randles
Ascended Masters by Maree Moore
Reincarnation described by Jesus by Maree Moore
The Christ Files by John Dickson
Is the New Testament History ? by Paul Barnett
Celestial Ships by Wayne Herschel (Brief)
They all document encounters with the
Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean cd-rom.
109 pages $9.56 AUD
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