TOPICS researched and explained by Ronald Pegg - For BOOKLETS 1 to 16
A Computer System described
CD-Rom Images described in Ancient Manuscripts
CD-Rom Images are described in Plato's Atlantis story
CD-Rom Images are described in Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories
Nostradamus placed a CD-Rom in a computer
Hidden encoded Historical Information
Persian Gulf WAR Events
Bible Code People
The Bible Code people are documented in other religious texts
Nostradamus documents the end time Teacher
Genesis Chapters 1 - 2 decoded
The Book of Revelations decoded
Deuteronomy Chapter 5 decoded
A Puzzle solved: REVELATIONS 13:18
The Seven Seals of Revelations
Man-made additions to the Bible
Discovered Word of God Messages concerning False Religions
Other Bible verses decodings
The historical origins of the Church revealed
The Nine Sons (who viewed the CD-Roms)
Family tree of Zion
The origin of the Muslim Faith revealed
The origin of the Mormon Faith revealed
The origin of the Other Faiths revealed
The Temple of Zion measured
The Spirit of God Myth revealed
The Seven Signs of Jesus revealed
Matthews End Time Signs revealed
The Jesus Myth revealed
The Lamb of God
End Time Judges
The two end time Witnesses
The Second Witness